Know Yo'Self

Always aim to be at your very best because one person you will always need is yourself.

But, what does your best self-look like?

To figure that out, you must know yo’self. Your best self-looks like whoever the hell that you want it to!

That’s what is so great about life, you get to choose everything about it and make it into exactly what you want it to be.

Stay in touch with yourself, spend time with yourself and make it blissful! I haven’t had the easiest life myself.
Look, I’m 21 with a list of around 12 medical issues including Celiac Disease hindering me...
But not stopping me or controlling me because this is my life and I know myself.
So, I am going to let you in on a few secrets and tricks as to how you stay in touch with yourself and know yo’self.

The first thing you need to realize is that change is constant. Which is one reason why I put emphasis on keeping in touch with yourself.
Just as everything else is changing, you will be changing too.
You ever love something as a kid and you immediately relate it to so many great memories right?
But then when you try that same thing as an adult you hate it and you have now ruined your memory.
Our preferences change, our relationships with people are always changing as well
but the goal is to keep a constant healthy relationship with yourself.

2.  Everything is a process, be patient. This one is definitely way easier said than done.
I’ve learned to immediately think about the situation from every angle.
Weig the good and the bad, as I do that I relax and breathe through it… focus.
When life throws you the whole bag of lemons at once, take it step by step.

3. Along the way, embrace your flaws. Love this process because I promise you, it will be the most beautiful one ever.
You will transform until you grow into who you’re supposed to be and find your place in this world.
That’s something worth celebrating.
Don’t fear the process because you don’t know all the details of it, embrace that, that’s the beauty of it.

4. Check in with yourself self-reflection is key. Notice your preferences and cater to your own needs.
With that being said a big part of checking in with yourself is knowing when you need help.
Recognizing when you need to take a break is so important. I can openly say that I have had trouble in this area in the past.
It did me no good, trust me, put yourself first.
Reward yourself for major accomplishments and process what you’ve done and get ready to do even more!
Remember that stress can cause a lot of health issues so just love yo’self first.

5. You can only control yourself and your actions so do just that.
You have choices in life, choose happiness, choose the life that brings you exhilaration.
If you choose to let your life control you and hinder your success… it will. This is literally is as simple as it sounds, don’t over complicate it.
Just remember that you cannot control the things people do to you whether those are horrid things or beautiful.
You can’t choose what happens to you but you can choose how you decide to respond to it and handle it.
What I do is just remember that there is a lesson in everything and I accept the lesson whether it was in my favor or not.
I now own that situation it is my experience so I wear it proudly, the good and bad.

6.  Forgiveness is freedom. You need to be prepared to forgive people that aren’t even sorry just for the sake of your own peace.
You also have to be really accustomed to forgiving yourself. You have to let go of any mistakes, what-if’s or regrets.
You deserve some inner peace.

7.  Accepting your own flaws is a must because they are what makes you so unique. Own your flaws because you know yo’self.
No one on this earth is perfect. Despite the plenty people that act like they are, we do not live in a world that’s #flawless.
I know Beyonce and Nicki Minaj put together a wonderful song and all but, they’re human too!
If there is something about yourself that you would like to change, then change it!
If you cannot change what you do not like, don’t fail to embrace it, love it even more.
Accept it and watch how free you will begin to feel.

8. Be financially literate. Having a good credit score is vital!
Let me say that again, good credit is everything!
Great apps/sites to use to track your credit are Credit Sesame and Credit Karma.
Personally, I prefer Credit Sesame just because I like their style a lot and I love that they give you your borrowing power info.
Credit Karma is great as well and they are both top notch so you take your pick!
I like that Credit Karma gives really great suggestions on cards that can help you improve your credit, Credit Sesame never seems to be able to tell me approval odds.
So I prefer to use Credit Karma for that! Both apps give you an in-depth look at your credit year round for free!

9. Unapologetically be yourself at all times.
If someone doesn’t accept you for who you are, know that you are not the problem and that is their problem, not yours.


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