MJ is back! Did you miss me?

Where has MJ been? Listennnn I’ve been all over the place! I pressed pause because I wanted to relaunch under my new domain, but that’s simply for later! My health has been declining and I must say (excuse my language but) sh*t got REAL.

I’ve been on a few trips. Tried to connect with my father who’s never played a pertinent role in my life. Went through it with my partner of almost 7 years. I had to leave my career behind because I had to focus on self-care & not doing anything to intentionally help my health decline. I am launching some new businesses soon so stay tuned! So yeah, like I was saying. Been on just a few trips. Haha.

As for my health, my doctor has recently up’d my PT to 3 times a week, as of last week it was decided that I’ll need a different kind of PT twice a week. I also see a nutritionist, have at least 10 appointments a month and random med & infection checks all month.

These last few months have reminded me how important self-care is. What I haven’t mentioned yet is the fact that all these struggles have been messing with my mental! My anxiety resurfaced about 3 months ago and let me tell you guys that the adult version of my anxiety is cognizant, alive & way more difficult. I thought my days of panic were over but dear anxiety, you got me again. The difference this time is I got you too. I’ve had to face things head on because I don’t want to take anxious trips. Btw Happy Mental Health Awareness Month!

Anxiety is waking up anxious and not knowing why
Anxiety is not being able to control those tears even if you never really wanted to cry
Anxiety is feeling like you can’t move & you’re gonna die
Anxiety causes anxiety
It’s like hmm let’s bring some more to the party
MY Anxiety is panic
Stuck in thoughts & contemplation
Shaking & losing control
As I try not to drown in the abyss of anxious
The more I fight the harder it gets
Cheers to the anxious
We take a lot of shit
My Anxiety is needing reassurance
My Anxiety is constant worrying
My Anxiety is long-lasting headaches
I feel like they taunt me
My Anxiety causes me to lose memory
And walking around with more of a rapid heartbeat mostly
My Anxiety is avoidance
Bc I’m intimidated
Or just worrying & scared
Even when I’m trying not to be
Nice to meet you again Anxiety I haven’t REALLY seen you since I was about 13
I had maybe a total of 2 panic attacks during high school
But mm. Anxiety you’ve been cruel
You came back in full force
I’ve had a total of about 5 panic attacks
In the last 3 months
How fun
Cheers to the anxious because
Our Anxiety doesn’t define us

I’ll also post what I wrote about my “trip” with my father this time around! That’s for later because our mental health is the focus right now!

Although it can seem intimidating and controlling. That’s not the actual truth. We control our brains and they control our bodies so please don’t think any physical symptoms are in your head or should be overlooked. Don’t feel like you’re alone because this world is filled with people who understand you.

Despite my interesting experiences lately, I haven’t let ANY of them stop me. Not even after being physically slowed down. So let me give some self-care tips to the anxious! We can face this together.

Journals are such a good way to empty your brain! It can keep you sane guys, no lie. I’ve always loved to write and through some real self-reflection, I realized how much writing always made a difference. You can journal yourself into a good mood. You can journal yourself into clarity & understanding. You can journal yourself into peace when you have had a rough day and don’t know where else to find it. Do you know why? Because SELF REFLECTION IS KEY. Self-reflection will help you understand your feelings, what roles you played in situations and how you can improve the person you are. So go buy a journal and tune in with yourself, don’t be intimidated either. It’s YOURS so you can say crap however you want to and honestly, you HAVE to be real with yourself. Trust me, it’s ok.

Meditation has so many benefits! For one, you experience less anxiety so meditation is especially perfect for the anxious! I can say that my anxiety intimidated me to the point where I fell off with daily meditation and it became more like weekly and I know for me that’s not enough. You have to figure out what way of meditation works for you. Don’t feel like you have to meditate “a certain way” that’s not true. Try to focus on one sound in the room, do some deep breathing focus and know that your mind will wander but just bring your attention back to that one soft sound. Be aware. Be in the moment. I recommend the apps Headspace, Calm, and Breethe for guided meditation.

Identify your support system and understand everyone’s role. Think about who you can call when you are anxious or have an attack. My go-to literally my whole life has been my auntie. Not only is she my best friend but she’s contributed so much to my life and literally has stood by me through EVERYTHING so she knows EVERYTHING. (Shoutout to my auntie) Think about who you can call when you need encouragement, when you aren’t taking care of yourself, and when you need some company. Identifying your support system and building one is soooo important. For me, it takes away the feeling that I’m alone. It takes away the burden of feeling helpless because people are literally right there to help.

I feel like this is such an important thing to say. The hardest battle you will fight is against yourself. You CANNOT run from yourself or your thoughts. And avoidance is a symptom of anxiety, I do it plenty. I struggle with avoidance a lot less and that’s simply because I identified the ways I implemented avoidance in my life. Self-medicating is also a form of avoidance! Self-medicating will never make it better because it won’t change your situation but can definitely change you. So meditate don’t medicate! (J Cole said it best) You will never be able to run from who you are but you will always have the ability to and choose to change the things you don’t like. Watch who you surround yourself with and understand how much protecting your energy matters! Point is you don’t want to gain any unhealthy dependencies.

I say this because it’s so easy to beat yourself up in anxious moments and self-blame begins to arise! Even when you did nothing wrong and you know it’s not your fault you don’t feel in control and I understand that completely. (I’ve recently felt this same feeling!) Instead of beating yourself up you need to love yourself through it. Self-love matters so much! Remember that people will come and go but you always have to live with yourself! So love yourself enough to follow these tips and make a self-care plan for your anxious moments. ( follow me on insta @bossladypreneur to see mine) Love all parts of yourself, especially the ones you’re not too fond of that acceptance will push you closer to the change you’d like to create.

If anyone would like to create a self-care plan with me for themselves simply DM me on insta, comment below, inbox me on FB (MJ Scott) or text me at 203-689-3142.

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Until next time (sincerely MJ Scott)


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