Journal for what?

Let's talk about the benefits of journaling. Some journaling freebies will be posted so make sure you check out the freebie section to grab yours. After reading this you will rush over, just wait. 

What you focus on is what you see. 

For starters! 
Journaling has been proven to:
Boost your mood/affect;
  • Enhance your sense of well-being;
  • Reduce symptoms of depression before an important event (like an exam);
  • Reduce intrusion and avoidance symptoms post-trauma;
  • Improve your working memory (Baikie & Wilhelm, 2005)
  • It is a path to healing
  • Boosts Self Confidence 

These are just a few of the positive benefits that journaling has to offer. 

Personally, as you can figure- I've always written. I started journaling and writing poetry at an early age. Writing was always my thing, not a hobby but my go-to so I could deal with everything. I was used to writing with my grandmother before bed at night. That writing practice was easy and always allowed me to dump my feelings somewhere. As a person who faced abuse, traumas and etc. I always kept a diary, a journal. That was my dump space. That was when I learned that journals are a sacred space, an ode to self. Full of self-reflection and mood-boosting moments. When I got discouraged or I was sad; I'd simply go through my journal and reflect on everything I had made it through recently. 

That was when I realized I could pre-write things (prompts) that would help me in those moments as well. I started to play with prompts and then do research and etc. as a kid. Along the way, I had some amazing English teachers and took an array of advanced classes. Intentional journaling is different from what I did as a child. When doing journaling without any guidance I still received a lot of those same benefits. When doing intentional journaling I SAW SO MUCH MORE CHANGE WITHIN MYSELF.

Journaling brings so much emotional intelligence. Journaling is truly an art. Think about what life would be like if you had a sacred space to dump all your crap. Sometimes we are too busy turning to others when we need to look inside. You are born very equipped to handle everything that you face. 

There are so many different kinds of journaling and journals! As you know I have a guided journal currently published on Amazon. Some people like to use multiple journals at once but it is all about the person that you are. If you don't feel like you can manage multiple, start with one. You can explore bullet journaling which I have also done and I love. Bullet journaling is also great for tracking as shown in the above picture. Mood tracking, food tracking, daily/weekly/monthly goals and meal plans, it can be utilized as a super planner! As a creative, it's easy for me to dive into designing and organizing my own journal. It is not for everyone but again there are so many other kinds.

 I adore gratitude journals. I will soon release one so look out! I think if you're in a rut or if you need more positivity in your life. Gratitude journaling is definitely for you right NOW. Gratitude journaling has its own benefits on top of the basic journaling benefits. Gratitude journaling lowers stress levels, helps you focus on the good, gain clarity through awareness, and it helps you focus on what matters. 

I am not fond of electronic journals but they are an option especially if you're more into typing or texting. That depends on what you want out of your electronic journal. You can use the notes app built into your iPhone if you have one or download some kind of notes app. You can use an actual electronic journal. There are paid ones in the app stores as an option.  You can use google docs or Microsoft word or OneNote to pour your feelings out and just outline the prompts beforehand. 

There are so many different kinds of journaling but each one feeds the mind great things and helps you improve as a person. Below you will find other kinds and if you're interested in them, go for it! Give them a try. Don't think that your journal has to be fancy or be a certain way before you begin. Just begin. As time goes on you will find your style, you will understand what you want out of a journal. 

All my experience journaling and helping others use journaling as a path to healing is what inspired me to start creating my own journals. Being able to take the most useful prompts I've ever done and put them in a book along with creative art by me and my own spins on activities was an amazing experience. I love sharing my experience with my readers about me doing every prompt so no one feels ashamed or like they have to do it a certain way. Creating prompts and doing every single one of them so I see the benefit in them is very important to me. Every journal by me is guided because I never want anyone to feel alone on their journey through and to self. Journaling makes you face your crap. Sometimes that can be super scary no matter what your life has looked like. 

Visit the freebie page for your journaling freebie and take a peek at my guided journal, you can find the link under the "books" section in the top menu bar of the blog. Below you will find other kinds of journaling that may interest you. 

Other kinds of journaling include Bible journaling, food journaling, travel journaling, dream journaling, art journaling, project journaling, poetry journaling, DIY journaling, garden journaling, pregnancy/ mom life journaling, and prayer journaling. 

Remember, do what you love. Put it in a journal, build your sacred space to be your own. 


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