Dear Body, there is no home like you
Remember when I said I'd post a poem goodie .. here you go. 🖤 There is no home like you I was made to measure in the womb I proclaimed my spot in 96’... bare skin, warm bottom with only you and sweet melanin to shield me I bet my mother didn’t know She’d be birthing a seed She didn’t expect to bear a flower And yet, they gently placed me in her arms, neatly wrapped in cloth, over 7lbs healthy So, when I began to get sick and lose you ALL I wanted to do was go home BUT, I didn’t recognize you I’d look up AND… Looking at my reflection was only an invitation for my mind to open the floodgates of despair and overwhelm me with resentment… I didn’t recognize you but yet I was home Now I know for a fact, there’s no home like you Look at all we have been through I almost was afraid of losing you I got nervous because you gave me a few scares But, I’m so glad we are here There ...